Seminar series – Climate change and societies

3rd doctoral meeting

26 October 2023, University of Neuchâtel

Organizing committe 2023 :  Prof. M.Rebetez, Prof. B.Lanz, T.Steiner PhD and S.Semeraro, PhD

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Why this event?

The aim of these seminars is to bring together PhD students and post-docs working on climate change-related topics at the University of Neuchâtel.
These meetings encourage collaboration between institutes and faculties, and provide an overview of the themes currently being addressed at the University of Neuchâtel. The seminars take place once or twice a semester.

Invited speaker

Lecture by Prof Sergio Rasmann (University of Neuchâtel) :
Is climate change bad for biodiversity?

Faculties representatives

Fabien Giauque, PhD (Economy) : Nudging Preferences for Sustainable Electricity Consumption

Jacques Ayer (Literature and human sciences) : The role of 21st-century natural history museums in the face of environmental emergency: continuity or institutional paradigm shift?

Caleb Ngaba Waye Taroum (Sciences) : Acoustic technologies for forest management as a climate action model in Kenya